Dating vintage singer sewing machines
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Dating > Dating vintage singer sewing machines
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The Singer 15K is always recognised by its tension unit being on the left face of the machine. Check inside any drawers and on the underside of the cabinet for this information. The most likely answer is that the larger number was the total number of machines produced by Singers when they only had a few factories and could keep up with and control the production output from Britain and America.
The castings were marked with the serial number right in the earliest stage of manufacture. Congratulations, you have a Singer Model 127 or 128. In closing, you must learn to be selective. This is a postcard from the 1960's. I would con it. The lower number may be the total production run up until that number of that particular model range. Now open the slide plate and look at the Bobbin Case. Click on the picture for more information.
Singer 20 Sewhandy in rare blue, red and gold. The exact number of Featherweights actually produced is not known. The Singer 15K is always recognised by its tension unit being on the left face of the machine.
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Home of the Sewalot Site By Alex I Askaroff For antique and vintage sewing machines Singer Toy Sewing Machine Singer model 20 sewing machine Singer Sewhandy Alex has spent a lifetime in the sewing industry and is considered one of the foremost experts of pioneering machines and their inventors. He has written extensively for trade magazines, radio, television, books and publications world wide. See Alex Askaroff on Youtube Most of us know the name Singer but few are aware of his amazing life story, his rags to riches journey from a little runaway to one of the richest men of his age. The story of Isaac Merritt Singer will blow your mind, his wives and lovers his castles and palaces all built on the back of one of the greatest inventions of the 19th century. For the first time the most complete story of a forgotten giant is brought to you by Alex Askaroff. Now that is a pretty impressive statement-but true. These models were manufactured in Turkey by Singer and are original Singer toy sewing machines built to a high specification. These models are now highly collectible because of the limited numbers and were simply called Singer k20 rather than Singer 20k. Singer 20 toy sewing machine made in Turkey The Singer model 20 was made at the Elizabeth factory in New Jersey, USA, and was originally sold as a toy. First appearing around 1910 some 60 years after Isaac Merritt Singer founded the great Singer Manufacturing Company. The model 20 was the 20th unique singer after Isaac Singers patent model No1, patented in 1851. Early Singer toy sewing machines were clearly aimed at the child market however later Singer toy sewing machines were sold as adult light portable machines as well as toys. This was probably to gain a foothold into the larger market of full-sized machines. The Singer 20 toy sewing machine produces a simple chain stitch. Over the years as patents ran out the Singer 20 toy sewing machine was one of the most widely copied of all small toy sewing machines. The well-made cast iron toy sewing machine was durable, long lasting and has become prized among collectors world-wide, especially the different coloured models. The most desirable of the Singer toy sewing machines were once the brightly coloured ones especially blue and red. The value of these has dropped considerably as it has become clear that people are now re-spraying black models. The next seems to be the early 1910 Singer toy sewing machine model which had a four-spoked hand-wheel. By the outbreak of The Great War in 1914 Singer 20 sewing machines had eight-spoked hand-wheels. Not a toy but a practical Singer Sewing machine Advertising Singer 20 toy sewing machines not just for kids. From 1920 to 1950 there were minor modifications to the Singer toy sewing machines such as the adding of threading numbers stamped on the machine in 1926. The Singer Sewhandy, model 20 was made in many Singer plants around the world, here is a Canadian model 20. Also there are no collectible toys made today as they nearly all contain plastic which we all know falls apart so these little beauties are the last truly collectible sewing machines that we will see until someone makes them out of real materials again. A Singer Toy Sewing Machine model 20 and a British Essex copy, circa 1950 A Pfaff toy copying the Singer once again. The Pfaff toy sewing machine is a rare little beastie today. The Singer Sewhandy During the 1950's Singer replaced its popular toy model with the updated and chunky Singer Sewhandy. The Singer Sewhandy proved popular for another 20 years and came in standard black. However there were also rare red, beige, and super-rare blue models. Some of these go for silly prices on Ebay. Be very careful when you buy some of these toy sewing machines as I have been made aware of re-sprayed or repainted Singer machines coming onto the market recently. We are not talking about old genuine machines but modern re-sprays. The Singer toys were copied by many manufacturers and if they have been repainted with Singer decals it is hard to spot the difference. Make sure as much as you can the machine you are bidding on has all the genuine decals. The MADE IN is a good pointer as many fakers do not bother with them annoyingly some genuine machines never had them on anyway so it's not foolproof. Genuine machines always carry a few marks showing their age and are always in the basic Singer colours. Take your time and ask questions about how long the seller has owned the machine. If you are not sure don't bid. Look for positive feedback and if you are disappointed return the machine for a refund. The last Singer 20 or by 1968 the Singer Sewhandy model 20. Singer 20 Sewhandy in rare blue, red and gold. This is the Italian Singer 20 Sewhandy probably made in the Monza plant A rare gold Singer 20 Sewhandy sewing machine made in Canada is on the back but this colour was also made in Britain. There is no doubt from the emails that I get that the Singer model 20 was many children's first practical experience of a sewing machine. Its strong construction and easy use has put thousands of women onto a path of happy sewing. There are some nice emails below, do take a second to read them. This is a postcard from the 1960's. I wonder how many children started their sewing lives on a Singer 20 sewing machine? Most of us know the name Singer but few are aware of his amazing life story, his rags to riches journey from a little runaway to one of the richest men of his age. The story of Isaac Merritt Singer will blow your mind, his wives and lovers his castles and palaces all built on the back of one of the greatest inventions of the 19th century. For the first time the most complete story of a forgotten giant is brought to you by Alex Askaroff. Well that's it, I do hope you enjoyed my work and happy collecting. I spend countless hours researching and writing these pages and I love to hear from people so drop me a line and let me know what you thought: News Flash! Sussex Born and Bred, Corner of the Kingdom and many more are now available instantly on Kindle and iPad. All Alex's books are now on: Fancy a funny read: A brilliant slice of 1940's life: Alex's stories are now available to keep. Click on the picture for more information. Joan K USA Dear Alex The little machine was used to dress my dolls when I was seven, the following year to make my first blouse and skirt which I wore until they were too small. Since then I have had many machines, big and small, domestic and industrial. Learned tailoring, dress design, couture and have worked with some of the most fabulous materials. All of this came from the inspiration of that little machine. Your website is also an inspiration, thank you. Best wishes, Carolyn Allan, Ontario, Canada Joan Greetings Alex, Late night web surfing brought me to your page about toy Singer sewing machines. It made me smile. I received my Sewhandy when I was just six years old, back in the 1950's, as a Christmas gift. I am as delighted with it now as I was way back then. It still sews well and I have the first doll quilt that I made folded inside the original box. Thanks for bringing back a very good memory, Cheers, Bree Alex, A late midnight web search brought me to your site and I was delighted to see the answers to most of my questions right away! Like many of your other readers, I have childhood memories of sewing doll clothes and trying to make ballet costumes with it! Warmest Regards, Randalynn CONTACT: Copyright ©.